Are you a new home building contractor?
Are you a renovation contractor?
We have business solutions for professional builders and contractors like you! Whether you are specializing in the construction of single-family homes, townhomes, multi-dwellings or condos or specializing in residential renovations, we have the high performance products and efficient services your require to simplify your work flows and provide just-in-time deliveries to your job sites. And we manufacture doors & windows to-measure according to all your projects’ specifications. Our dedicated team of experienced product advisors can guide you in your choice of products and simplify your purchasing process. We can also meet your customers with you to advise them and facilitate their final choices. Request a quote online, by phone, by email! Or visit one of our boutiques and showrooms to discuss your projects with an advisor.
We manufacture a wide selection of Energy Star® doors and windows in a variety of colors, sizes and options to meet your most demanding needs for style, performance, comfort and energy shaving.